The website is owned by NAONED eyewear–SAS 3 MAI, a company registered in France, company registration number 753 057 272, Nantes RCS (Trade and Companies Register), whose registered office is at 2, boulevard Jean Moulin 44100 Nantes, France. VAT number FR 21753057272.
Tel: +33 (0)2 51 83 51 19
Email: contact naoned
Web Design / Photography / Web Development / Animated GIFs / Editing / Web Hosting
Website developed and operated by :
Vanessa Doré :: Art Direction & Web Design
35 rue des Olivettes in Nantes
Germain Herriau :: Photographer
35 rue des Olivettes in Nantes
Olivier TERRIEN :: WordPress Development & Packshot
35 rue des Olivettes in Nantes
François BRETIN :: Store Finder Development
35 rue des Olivettes in Nantes
Clement PERRON :: Animated GIFs
1B rue Baron, 44000 Nantes
Doze Studio
Texts writing and editing by :
6 bis rue Marmontel 44000 Nantes
It is hosted by:
2 Kellermann Street in Roubaix
This website and its contents come under French and international copyright and intellectual property law.
All reproduction rights remain property of Naoned eyewear, including DLC (downloadable contents), as well as pictures and photos.
Reproduction of all or part of contents, in any format, is strictly forbidden, unless given special authorization by publication director.
Privacy Policy
According to French law—loi n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978, relative à l’Informatique, aux Fichiers et aux Libertés—you are allowed to be given access to, to modify or to delete any personal data collected via the website.
If you wish to do so, please contact NAONED eyewear, Place Talensac, Nantes, France.